WebSound:11英镑/年 256M 内存 / 15G HDD / 1T 流量 / 洛杉矶psychz

WebSound,之前刚出来的时候我买过,那会儿被打的很厉害,现在应该好了不少。他家的客服还是可以的,要退款也很爽快,这次在 LEB 发布了新一轮促销,分享一下。


WebSound is an affordable, reliable hosting provider launched in 2013 – We have previously featured on LEB before and frequent offers around the LET community, however, we feel it’s time to bring a new, exclusive offer for the LEB community themselves again. We specialize in offering a variety of affordable VPS and Web Hosting services to cater for the needs of a wide range of clients, and our previous VPS hosting offers have been very popular among the community in the past, we hope that this offer can be met with the same popularity and demand as previously as we try to deliver something new and some updated features within our control panel since our last offering.

Exclusive Offer: LEB-KVMH50 gets 50% recurring off of all KVMH plans on any billing cycle, PLUS double disk space OR double bandwidth, open a support ticket on ordering to choose which double benefit you receive!



  • 256MB RAM (256MB SWAP)
  • 1 x CPU
  • 15GB HDD
  • 1TB Transfer
  • 1 x IPv4
  • /64 IPv6 Available
  • KVM (Virtualizor)
  • Promo Code: LEB-KVMH50
  • £11/yr($14.69)
  • [ORDER]


  • 512MB RAM (512MB SWAP)
  • 2 x CPU
  • 25GB HDD
  • 2TB Transfer
  • 1 x IPv4
  • /64 IPv6 Available
  • KVM (Virtualizor)
  • Promo Code: LEB-KVMH50
  • £1.50/mo($2.00)
  • [ORDER]


  • 1GB RAM (1GB SWAP)
  • 2 x CPU
  • 50GB HDD
  • 3TB Transfer
  • 1 x IPv4
  • /64 IPv6 Available
  • KVM (Virtualizor)
  • Promo Code: LEB-KVMH50
  • £2.50/mo($3.34)
  • [ORDER]


  • 2GB RAM (1GB SWAP)
  • 4 x CPU
  • 100GB HDD
  • 4TB Transfer
  • 1 x IPv4
  • /64 IPv6 Available
  • KVM (Virtualizor)
  • Promo Code: LEB-KVMH50
  • £5.00/mo ($6.68)
  • [ORDER]


Datacenter – Los Angeles, United States (Psychz)

Test IPv4:

Test IPv6: 2604:6600:0:40d::1

Looking glass: http://lg.la.websound.co.uk/


Dual Intel E5 Processors @ 2.4GHz+
8 x 2TB HDD Drives
LSI Hardware RAID 10
1Gbps Uplinks

未经允许不得转载:主机迷 » WebSound:11英镑/年 256M 内存 / 15G HDD / 1T 流量 / 洛杉矶psychz

评论 3

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  1. #1


    lalala6年前 (2018-06-12)回复
  2. #2


    好心人6年前 (2018-08-26)回复
    • 我当时自己买了后觉得很差就退了,客服给我退款也比较爽快,如果现在他们不给退款了你可以直接去 PayPal 申诉试试。

      pianyivps6年前 (2018-08-27)回复